Source code for

import os

import numpy as np
from bilby_cython.geometry import (

from ...core import utils
from ...core.utils import docstring, logger, PropertyAccessor, safe_file_dump
from .. import utils as gwutils
from .calibration import Recalibrate
from .geometry import InterferometerGeometry
from .strain_data import InterferometerStrainData
from ..conversion import generate_all_bbh_parameters

class Interferometer(object):
    """Class for the Interferometer """

    length = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'length')
    latitude = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'latitude')
    latitude_radians = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'latitude_radians')
    longitude = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'longitude')
    longitude_radians = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'longitude_radians')
    elevation = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'elevation')
    x = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'x')
    y = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'y')
    xarm_azimuth = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'xarm_azimuth')
    yarm_azimuth = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'yarm_azimuth')
    xarm_tilt = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'xarm_tilt')
    yarm_tilt = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'yarm_tilt')
    vertex = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'vertex')
    detector_tensor = PropertyAccessor('geometry', 'detector_tensor')

    duration = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'duration')
    sampling_frequency = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'sampling_frequency')
    start_time = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'start_time')
    frequency_array = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'frequency_array')
    time_array = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'time_array')
    minimum_frequency = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'minimum_frequency')
    maximum_frequency = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'maximum_frequency')
    frequency_mask = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'frequency_mask')
    frequency_domain_strain = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'frequency_domain_strain')
    time_domain_strain = PropertyAccessor('strain_data', 'time_domain_strain')

    def __init__(self, name, power_spectral_density, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency, length, latitude, longitude,
                 elevation, xarm_azimuth, yarm_azimuth, xarm_tilt=0., yarm_tilt=0., calibration_model=Recalibrate()):
        Instantiate an Interferometer object.

        name: str
            Interferometer name, e.g., H1.
            Power spectral density determining the sensitivity of the detector.
        minimum_frequency: float
            Minimum frequency to analyse for detector.
        maximum_frequency: float
            Maximum frequency to analyse for detector.
        length: float
            Length of the interferometer in km.
        latitude: float
            Latitude North in degrees (South is negative).
        longitude: float
            Longitude East in degrees (West is negative).
        elevation: float
            Height above surface in metres.
        xarm_azimuth: float
            Orientation of the x arm in degrees North of East.
        yarm_azimuth: float
            Orientation of the y arm in degrees North of East.
        xarm_tilt: float, optional
            Tilt of the x arm in radians above the horizontal defined by
            ellipsoid earth model in LIGO-T980044-08.
        yarm_tilt: float, optional
            Tilt of the y arm in radians above the horizontal.
        calibration_model: Recalibration
            Calibration model, this applies the calibration correction to the
            template, the default model applies no correction.
        self.geometry = InterferometerGeometry(length, latitude, longitude, elevation,
                                               xarm_azimuth, yarm_azimuth, xarm_tilt, yarm_tilt) = name
        self.power_spectral_density = power_spectral_density
        self.calibration_model = calibration_model
        self.strain_data = InterferometerStrainData(
        self.meta_data = dict(name=name)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if == and \
                self.geometry == other.geometry and \
                self.power_spectral_density.__eq__(other.power_spectral_density) and \
                self.calibration_model == other.calibration_model and \
                self.strain_data == other.strain_data:
            return True
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(name=\'{}\', power_spectral_density={}, minimum_frequency={}, ' \
                                         'maximum_frequency={}, length={}, latitude={}, longitude={}, elevation={}, ' \
                                         'xarm_azimuth={}, yarm_azimuth={}, xarm_tilt={}, yarm_tilt={})' \
            .format(, self.power_spectral_density, float(self.strain_data.minimum_frequency),
                    float(self.strain_data.maximum_frequency), float(self.geometry.length),
                    float(self.geometry.latitude), float(self.geometry.longitude),
                    float(self.geometry.elevation), float(self.geometry.xarm_azimuth),
                    float(self.geometry.yarm_azimuth), float(self.geometry.xarm_tilt),

[docs] def set_strain_data_from_gwpy_timeseries(self, time_series): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from a gwpy TimeSeries Parameters ========== time_series: gwpy.timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries The data to set. """ self.strain_data.set_from_gwpy_timeseries(time_series=time_series)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_frequency_domain_strain( self, frequency_domain_strain, sampling_frequency=None, duration=None, start_time=0, frequency_array=None): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from a numpy array Parameters ========== frequency_domain_strain: array_like The data to set. sampling_frequency: float The sampling frequency (in Hz). duration: float The data duration (in s). start_time: float The GPS start-time of the data. frequency_array: array_like The array of frequencies, if sampling_frequency and duration not given. """ self.strain_data.set_from_frequency_domain_strain( frequency_domain_strain=frequency_domain_strain, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration, start_time=start_time, frequency_array=frequency_array)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_density( self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from a power spectal density This uses the `interferometer.power_spectral_density` object to set the `strain_data` to a noise realization. See `` for further information. Parameters ========== sampling_frequency: float The sampling frequency (in Hz) duration: float The data duration (in s) start_time: float The GPS start-time of the data """ self.strain_data.set_from_power_spectral_density( self.power_spectral_density, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration, start_time=start_time)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_frame_file( self, frame_file, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0, channel=None, buffer_time=1): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from a frame file Parameters ========== frame_file: str File from which to load data. channel: str Channel to read from frame. sampling_frequency: float The sampling frequency (in Hz) duration: float The data duration (in s) start_time: float The GPS start-time of the data buffer_time: float Read in data with `start_time-buffer_time` and `start_time+duration+buffer_time` """ self.strain_data.set_from_frame_file( frame_file=frame_file, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration, start_time=start_time, channel=channel, buffer_time=buffer_time)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_channel_name( self, channel, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` by fetching from given channel using strain_data.set_from_channel_name() Parameters ========== channel: str Channel to look for using gwpy in the format `IFO:Channel` sampling_frequency: float The sampling frequency (in Hz) duration: float The data duration (in s) start_time: float The GPS start-time of the data """ self.strain_data.set_from_channel_name( channel=channel, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration, start_time=start_time)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_csv(self, filename): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from a csv file Parameters ========== filename: str The path to the file to read in """ self.strain_data.set_from_csv(filename)
[docs] def set_strain_data_from_zero_noise( self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0): """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` to zero noise Parameters ========== sampling_frequency: float The sampling frequency (in Hz) duration: float The data duration (in s) start_time: float The GPS start-time of the data """ self.strain_data.set_from_zero_noise( sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration, start_time=start_time)
[docs] def antenna_response(self, ra, dec, time, psi, mode): """ Calculate the antenna response function for a given sky location See Nishizawa et al. (2009) arXiv:0903.0528 for definitions of the polarisation tensors. [u, v, w] represent the Earth-frame [m, n, omega] represent the wave-frame Note: there is a typo in the definition of the wave-frame in Nishizawa et al. Parameters ========== ra: float right ascension in radians dec: float declination in radians time: float geocentric GPS time psi: float binary polarisation angle counter-clockwise about the direction of propagation mode: str polarisation mode (e.g. 'plus', 'cross') or the name of a specific detector. If mode ==, return 1 Returns ======= float: The antenna response for the specified mode and time/location """ if mode in ["plus", "cross", "x", "y", "breathing", "longitudinal"]: polarization_tensor = get_polarization_tensor(ra, dec, time, psi, mode) return three_by_three_matrix_contraction(self.geometry.detector_tensor, polarization_tensor) elif mode == return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def get_detector_response(self, waveform_polarizations, parameters, frequencies=None): """ Get the detector response for a particular waveform Parameters ========== waveform_polarizations: dict polarizations of the waveform parameters: dict parameters describing position and time of arrival of the signal frequencies: array-like, optional The frequency values to evaluate the response at. If not provided, the response is computed using :code:`self.frequency_array`. If the frequencies are specified, no frequency masking is performed. Returns ======= array_like: A 3x3 array representation of the detector response (signal observed in the interferometer) """ if frequencies is None: frequencies = self.frequency_array[self.frequency_mask] mask = self.frequency_mask else: mask = np.ones(len(frequencies), dtype=bool) signal = {} for mode in waveform_polarizations.keys(): det_response = self.antenna_response( parameters['ra'], parameters['dec'], parameters['geocent_time'], parameters['psi'], mode) signal[mode] = waveform_polarizations[mode] * det_response signal_ifo = sum(signal.values()) * mask time_shift = self.time_delay_from_geocenter( parameters['ra'], parameters['dec'], parameters['geocent_time']) # Be careful to first subtract the two GPS times which are ~1e9 sec. # And then add the time_shift which varies at ~1e-5 sec dt_geocent = parameters['geocent_time'] - self.strain_data.start_time dt = dt_geocent + time_shift signal_ifo[mask] = signal_ifo[mask] * np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * dt * frequencies) signal_ifo[mask] *= self.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor( frequencies, prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **parameters ) return signal_ifo
[docs] def check_signal_duration(self, parameters, raise_error=True): """ Check that the signal with the given parameters fits in the data Parameters ========== parameters: dict A dictionary of the injection parameters raise_error: bool If True, raise an error in the signal does not fit. Otherwise, print a warning message. """ try: parameters = generate_all_bbh_parameters(parameters) except AttributeError: logger.debug( "generate_all_bbh_parameters parameters failed during check_signal_duration" ) return if ("mass_1" not in parameters) and ("mass_2" not in parameters): if raise_error: raise AttributeError("Unable to check signal duration as mass not given") else: return # Calculate the time to merger deltaT = gwutils.calculate_time_to_merger( frequency=self.minimum_frequency, mass_1=parameters["mass_1"], mass_2=parameters["mass_2"], ) deltaT = np.round(deltaT, 1) if deltaT > self.duration: msg = ( f"The injected signal has a duration in-band of {deltaT}s, but " f"the data for detector {} has a duration of {self.duration}s" ) if raise_error: raise ValueError(msg) else: logger.warning(msg)
[docs] def inject_signal(self, parameters, injection_polarizations=None, waveform_generator=None, raise_error=True): """ General signal injection method. Provide the injection parameters and either the injection polarizations or the waveform generator to inject a signal into the detector. Defaults to the injection polarizations is both are given. Parameters ========== parameters: dict Parameters of the injection. injection_polarizations: dict, optional Polarizations of waveform to inject, output of `waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain()`. If `waveform_generator` is also given, the injection_polarizations will be calculated directly and this argument can be ignored. waveform_generator:, optional A WaveformGenerator instance using the source model to inject. If `injection_polarizations` is given, this will be ignored. raise_error: bool If true, raise an error if the injected signal has a duration longer than the data duration. If False, a warning will be printed instead. Notes ===== if your signal takes a substantial amount of time to generate, or you experience buggy behaviour. It is preferable to provide the injection_polarizations directly. Returns ======= injection_polarizations: dict The injected polarizations. This is the same as the injection_polarizations parameters if it was passed in. Otherwise it is the return value of waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(). """ self.check_signal_duration(parameters, raise_error) if injection_polarizations is None and waveform_generator is None: raise ValueError( "inject_signal needs one of waveform_generator or " "injection_polarizations.") elif injection_polarizations is not None: self.inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations(parameters=parameters, injection_polarizations=injection_polarizations) elif waveform_generator is not None: injection_polarizations = self.inject_signal_from_waveform_generator(parameters=parameters, waveform_generator=waveform_generator) return injection_polarizations
[docs] def inject_signal_from_waveform_generator(self, parameters, waveform_generator): """ Inject a signal using a waveform generator and a set of parameters. Alternative to `inject_signal` and `inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations` Parameters ========== parameters: dict Parameters of the injection. waveform_generator: A WaveformGenerator instance using the source model to inject. Notes ===== if your signal takes a substantial amount of time to generate, or you experience buggy behaviour. It is preferable to use the inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations() method. Returns ======= injection_polarizations: dict The internally generated injection parameters """ injection_polarizations = \ waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(parameters) self.inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations(parameters=parameters, injection_polarizations=injection_polarizations) return injection_polarizations
[docs] def inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations(self, parameters, injection_polarizations): """ Inject a signal into the detector from a dict of waveform polarizations. Alternative to `inject_signal` and `inject_signal_from_waveform_generator`. Parameters ========== parameters: dict Parameters of the injection. injection_polarizations: dict Polarizations of waveform to inject, output of `waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain()`. """ if not self.strain_data.time_within_data(parameters['geocent_time']): logger.warning( 'Injecting signal outside segment, start_time={}, merger time={}.' .format(self.strain_data.start_time, parameters['geocent_time'])) signal_ifo = self.get_detector_response(injection_polarizations, parameters) self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain += signal_ifo self.meta_data['optimal_SNR'] = ( np.sqrt(self.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal_ifo)).real) self.meta_data['matched_filter_SNR'] = ( self.matched_filter_snr(signal=signal_ifo)) self.meta_data['parameters'] = parameters"Injected signal in {}:".format(" optimal SNR = {:.2f}".format(self.meta_data['optimal_SNR']))" matched filter SNR = {:.2f}".format(self.meta_data['matched_filter_SNR'])) for key in parameters:' {} = {}'.format(key, parameters[key]))
@property def amplitude_spectral_density_array(self): """ Returns the amplitude spectral density (ASD) given we know a power spectral density (PSD) Returns ======= array_like: An array representation of the ASD """ return ( self.power_spectral_density.get_amplitude_spectral_density_array( frequency_array=self.strain_data.frequency_array) * self.strain_data.window_factor**0.5) @property def power_spectral_density_array(self): """ Returns the power spectral density (PSD) This accounts for whether the data in the interferometer has been windowed. Returns ======= array_like: An array representation of the PSD """ return ( self.power_spectral_density.get_power_spectral_density_array( frequency_array=self.strain_data.frequency_array) * self.strain_data.window_factor) def unit_vector_along_arm(self, arm): logger.warning("This method has been moved and will be removed in the future." "Use Interferometer.geometry.unit_vector_along_arm instead.") return self.geometry.unit_vector_along_arm(arm)
[docs] def time_delay_from_geocenter(self, ra, dec, time): """ Calculate the time delay from the geocenter for the interferometer. Use the time delay function from utils. Parameters ========== ra: float right ascension of source in radians dec: float declination of source in radians time: float GPS time Returns ======= float: The time delay from geocenter in seconds """ return time_delay_from_geocenter(self.geometry.vertex, ra, dec, time)
[docs] def vertex_position_geocentric(self): """ Calculate the position of the IFO vertex in geocentric coordinates in meters. Based on arXiv:gr-qc/0008066 Eqs. B11-B13 except for the typo in the definition of the local radius. See Section 2.1 of LIGO-T980044-10 for the correct expression Returns ======= array_like: A 3D array representation of the vertex """ return gwutils.get_vertex_position_geocentric(self.geometry.latitude_radians, self.geometry.longitude_radians, self.geometry.elevation)
[docs] def optimal_snr_squared(self, signal): """ Parameters ========== signal: array_like Array containing the signal Returns ======= float: The optimal signal to noise ratio possible squared """ return gwutils.optimal_snr_squared( signal=signal[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], power_spectral_density=self.power_spectral_density_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], duration=self.strain_data.duration)
[docs] def inner_product(self, signal): """ Parameters ========== signal: array_like Array containing the signal Returns ======= float: The optimal signal to noise ratio possible squared """ return gwutils.noise_weighted_inner_product( aa=signal[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], bb=self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], power_spectral_density=self.power_spectral_density_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], duration=self.strain_data.duration)
[docs] def matched_filter_snr(self, signal): """ Parameters ========== signal: array_like Array containing the signal Returns ======= float: The matched filter signal to noise ratio squared """ return gwutils.matched_filter_snr( signal=signal[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], frequency_domain_strain=self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], power_spectral_density=self.power_spectral_density_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], duration=self.strain_data.duration)
@property def whitened_frequency_domain_strain(self): """ Calculates the whitened data by dividing the frequency domain data by ((amplitude spectral density) * (duration / 4) ** 0.5). The resulting data will have unit variance. Returns ======= array_like: The whitened data """ return self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain / ( self.amplitude_spectral_density_array * np.sqrt(self.duration / 4) )
[docs] def save_data(self, outdir, label=None): """ Creates save files for interferometer data in plain text format. Saves two files: the frequency domain strain data with three columns [f, real part of h(f), imaginary part of h(f)], and the amplitude spectral density with two columns [f, ASD(f)]. Note that in v1.3.0 and below, the ASD was saved in a file called *_psd.dat. Parameters ========== outdir: str The output directory in which the data is supposed to be saved label: str The name of the output files """ if label is None: filename_asd = '{}/{}_asd.dat'.format(outdir, filename_data = '{}/{}_frequency_domain_data.dat'.format(outdir, else: filename_asd = '{}/{}_{}_asd.dat'.format(outdir,, label) filename_data = '{}/{}_{}_frequency_domain_data.dat'.format(outdir,, label) np.savetxt(filename_data, np.array( [self.strain_data.frequency_array, self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain.real, self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain.imag]).T, header='f real_h(f) imag_h(f)') np.savetxt(filename_asd, np.array( [self.strain_data.frequency_array, self.amplitude_spectral_density_array]).T, header='f h(f)')
def plot_data(self, signal=None, outdir='.', label=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if utils.command_line_args.bilby_test_mode: return fig, ax = plt.subplots() df = self.strain_data.frequency_array[1] - self.strain_data.frequency_array[0] asd = gwutils.asd_from_freq_series( freq_data=self.strain_data.frequency_domain_strain, df=df) ax.loglog(self.strain_data.frequency_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], asd[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], color='C0', ax.loglog(self.strain_data.frequency_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], self.amplitude_spectral_density_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], color='C1', lw=1.0, + ' ASD') if signal is not None: signal_asd = gwutils.asd_from_freq_series( freq_data=signal, df=df) ax.loglog(self.strain_data.frequency_array[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], signal_asd[self.strain_data.frequency_mask], color='C2', label='Signal') ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel(r'Strain [strain/$\sqrt{\rm Hz}$]') ax.set_xlabel(r'Frequency [Hz]') ax.legend(loc='best') fig.tight_layout() if label is None: fig.savefig( '{}/{}_frequency_domain_data.png'.format(outdir, else: fig.savefig( '{}/{}_{}_frequency_domain_data.png'.format( outdir,, label)) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def plot_time_domain_data( self, outdir='.', label=None, bandpass_frequencies=(50, 250), notches=None, start_end=None, t0=None): """ Plots the strain data in the time domain Parameters ========== outdir, label: str Used in setting the saved filename. bandpass: tuple, optional A tuple of the (low, high) frequencies to use when bandpassing the data, if None no bandpass is applied. notches: list, optional A list of frequencies specifying any lines to notch start_end: tuple A tuple of the (start, end) range of GPS times to plot t0: float If given, the reference time to subtract from the time series before plotting. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries from gwpy.signal.filter_design import bandpass, concatenate_zpks, notch # We use the gwpy timeseries to perform bandpass and notching if notches is None: notches = list() timeseries = TimeSeries( data=self.strain_data.time_domain_strain, times=self.strain_data.time_array) zpks = [] if bandpass_frequencies is not None: zpks.append(bandpass( bandpass_frequencies[0], bandpass_frequencies[1], self.strain_data.sampling_frequency)) if notches is not None: for line in notches: zpks.append(notch( line, self.strain_data.sampling_frequency)) if len(zpks) > 0: zpk = concatenate_zpks(*zpks) strain = timeseries.filter(zpk, filtfilt=False) else: strain = timeseries fig, ax = plt.subplots() if t0: x = self.strain_data.time_array - t0 xlabel = 'GPS time [s] - {}'.format(t0) else: x = self.strain_data.time_array xlabel = 'GPS time [s]' ax.plot(x, strain) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel('Strain') if start_end is not None: ax.set_xlim(*start_end) fig.tight_layout() if label is None: fig.savefig( '{}/{}_time_domain_data.png'.format(outdir, else: fig.savefig( '{}/{}_{}_time_domain_data.png'.format(outdir,, label)) plt.close(fig)
@staticmethod def _filename_from_outdir_label_extension(outdir, label, extension="h5"): return os.path.join(outdir, label + f'.{extension}') _save_ifo_docstring = """ Save the object to a {format} file {extra} Attributes ========== outdir: str, optional Output directory name of the file, defaults to 'outdir'. label: str, optional Output file name, is if not given otherwise. """ _load_docstring = """ Loads in an Interferometer object from a {format} file Parameters ========== filename: str If given, try to load from this filename """
[docs] @docstring(_save_ifo_docstring.format( format="pickle", extra=".. versionadded:: 1.1.0" )) def to_pickle(self, outdir="outdir", label=None): utils.check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir('outdir') filename = self._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(outdir, label, extension="pkl") safe_file_dump(self, filename, "dill")
[docs] @classmethod @docstring(_load_docstring.format(format="pickle")) def from_pickle(cls, filename=None): import dill with open(filename, "rb") as ff: res = dill.load(ff) if res.__class__ != cls: raise TypeError('The loaded object is not an Interferometer') return res