
class pygwb.detector.Interferometer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Interferometer

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate an Interferometer class

  • *args (arguments passed to the (parent) bilby's Interferometer class.) –

  • **kwargs (keyword arguments passed to the (parent) bilby's Interferometer class.) –

  • name (str) – Interferometer name, e.g. H1 for LIGO Hanford.

  • power_spectral_density ( – Power spectral density determining the sensitivity of the detector.

  • minimum_frequency (float) – Minimum frequency to analyse for detector.

  • maximum_frequency (float) – Maximum frequency to analyse for detector.

  • length (float) – Length of the interferometer in km.

  • latitude (float) – Latitude North in degrees (South is negative).

  • longitude (float) – Longitude East in degrees (West is negative).

  • elevation (float) – Height above surface in metres.

  • xarm_azimuth (float) – Orientation of the x arm in degrees North of East.

  • yarm_azimuth (float) – Orientation of the y arm in degrees North of East.

  • xarm_tilt (float, optional) – Tilt of the x arm in radians above the horizontal defined by ellipsoid earth model in LIGO-T980044-08.

  • yarm_tilt (float, optional) – Tilt of the y arm in radians above the horizontal.

  • calibration_model (Recalibration) – Calibration model, this applies the calibration correction to the template, the default model applies no correction.

  • timeseries (gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries) – TimeSeries object with resampling/high-pass filter applied. This is an additional attribute of the class.

  • psd_spectrogram (gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram) – gwpy Spectrogram of power spectral density. This is an additional attribute of the class.

  • gates (gwpy.segments.SegmentList) – List of segments that have been gated, not including any additional padding. This is an additional attribute of the class.

  • gate_pad (float) – Duration of padding used when applying gates. This is an additional attribute of the class.

See also



More information here.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Instantiate an Interferometer class

antenna_response(ra, dec, time, psi, mode)

Calculate the antenna response function for a given sky location

apply_gates_from_file(loaded_object, index, ...)

Load gates from a pygwb output file and apply them to the Interferometer object.

check_signal_duration(parameters[, raise_error])

Check that the signal with the given parameters fits in the data

from_parameters(name, parameters)

A class method to get an Interferometer class from a given argparser object.


Loads in an Interferometer object from a pickle file


Self-gate the gwpy.timeseries associated with this timeseries.

get_detector_response(...[, frequencies])

Get the detector response for a particular waveform


A class method to get an Interferometer class object from a given ifo name.

inject_signal(parameters[, ...])

General signal injection method.


Inject a signal using a waveform generator and a set of parameters.


Inject a signal into the detector from a dict of waveform polarizations.







plot_data([signal, outdir, label])

plot_time_domain_data([outdir, label, ...])

Plots the strain data in the time domain

save_data(outdir[, label])

Creates save files for interferometer data in plain text format.


Set average_psd attribute from the existing raw PSD.

set_psd_spectrogram(frequency_resolution[, ...])

Set psd_spectrogram attribute from given spectrum-related information.

set_strain_data_from_channel_name(channel, ...)

Set the Interferometer.strain_data by fetching from given channel using strain_data.set_from_channel_name()


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a csv file

set_strain_data_from_frame_file(frame_file, ...)

Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a frame file


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a numpy array


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a gwpy TimeSeries


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a power spectal density

set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(...[, ...])

Set the Interferometer.strain_data to zero noise

set_timeseries_from_channel_name(channel, ...)

Set a timeseries attribute from a given channel name.


Set a timeseries attribute from a given gwpy.timeseries object.


Set a timeseries attribute from a given numpy array.

time_delay_from_geocenter(ra, dec, time)

Calculate the time delay from the geocenter for the interferometer.

to_pickle([outdir, label])

Save the object to a pickle file



Calculate the position of the IFO vertex in geocentric coordinates in meters.



Returns the amplitude spectral density (ASD) given we know a power spectral density (PSD)


Returns the power spectral density (PSD)


Calculates the whitened data by dividing the frequency domain data by ((amplitude spectral density) * (duration / 4) ** 0.5).

property amplitude_spectral_density_array

Returns the amplitude spectral density (ASD) given we know a power spectral density (PSD)

array_like: An array representation of the ASD
antenna_response(ra, dec, time, psi, mode)[source]

Calculate the antenna response function for a given sky location

See Nishizawa et al. (2009) arXiv:0903.0528 for definitions of the polarisation tensors. [u, v, w] represent the Earth-frame [m, n, omega] represent the wave-frame Note: there is a typo in the definition of the wave-frame in Nishizawa et al.

ra: float

right ascension in radians

dec: float

declination in radians

time: float

geocentric GPS time

psi: float

binary polarisation angle counter-clockwise about the direction of propagation

mode: str

polarisation mode (e.g. ‘plus’, ‘cross’) or the name of a specific detector. If mode ==, return 1

float: The antenna response for the specified mode and time/location
apply_gates_from_file(loaded_object, index, **kwargs)[source]

Load gates from a pygwb output file and apply them to the Interferometer object. The gated times are stored as a property of the object.

  • loaded_object – Object that represents the data in the output file, e.g. a loaded npz-object.

  • index (int) – Integer representing the correct Interferometer object in the baseline.

  • gate_tpad (float) – Half-width time duration (in seconds) in which the Planck window is tapered.

check_signal_duration(parameters, raise_error=True)[source]

Check that the signal with the given parameters fits in the data

parameters: dict

A dictionary of the injection parameters

raise_error: bool

If True, raise an error in the signal does not fit. Otherwise, print a warning message.

classmethod from_parameters(name, parameters)[source]

A class method to get an Interferometer class from a given argparser object.

  • name (str) – Interferometer name, e.g. H1 for LIGO Hanford.

  • parameters (argparser object) – This contains attributes defined for command line options.

interferometer: pygwb.Interferometer

Instance of the pygwb interferometer object.

classmethod from_pickle(filename=None)[source]

Loads in an Interferometer object from a pickle file

filename: str

If given, try to load from this filename


Self-gate the gwpy.timeseries associated with this timeseries. The list of times gated and the padding applied are stored as properties of the Interferometer.

  • gate_tzero (float) – Half-width time duration (seconds) in which the timeseries is set to zero.

  • gate_tpad (float) – Half-width time duration (seconds) in which the Planck window is tapered.

  • gate_threshold (float) – Amplitude threshold, if the data exceeds this value a gating window will be placed.

  • cluster_window (float) – Time duration (seconds) over which gating points will be clustered.

  • gate_whiten (bool) – If True, data will be whitened before gating points are discovered, use of this option is highly recommended.

See also


the function used for the gating of the data itself.

get_detector_response(waveform_polarizations, parameters, frequencies=None)[source]

Get the detector response for a particular waveform

waveform_polarizations: dict

polarizations of the waveform

parameters: dict

parameters describing position and time of arrival of the signal

frequencies: array-like, optional
The frequency values to evaluate the response at. If
not provided, the response is computed using
:code:`self.frequency_array`. If the frequencies are
specified, no frequency masking is performed.
array_like: A 3x3 array representation of the detector response (signal observed in the interferometer)
classmethod get_empty_interferometer(name)[source]

A class method to get an Interferometer class object from a given ifo name. Empty means no data has been read into this object.


name (str) – Interferometer name, e.g. H1 for LIGO Hanford.

interferometer: pygwb.Interferometer

Interferometer instance of pygwb.

inject_signal(parameters, injection_polarizations=None, waveform_generator=None, raise_error=True)[source]

General signal injection method. Provide the injection parameters and either the injection polarizations or the waveform generator to inject a signal into the detector. Defaults to the injection polarizations is both are given.

parameters: dict

Parameters of the injection.

injection_polarizations: dict, optional

Polarizations of waveform to inject, output of waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(). If waveform_generator is also given, the injection_polarizations will be calculated directly and this argument can be ignored.

waveform_generator:, optional

A WaveformGenerator instance using the source model to inject. If injection_polarizations is given, this will be ignored.

raise_error: bool

If true, raise an error if the injected signal has a duration longer than the data duration. If False, a warning will be printed instead.

injection_polarizations: dict

The injected polarizations. This is the same as the injection_polarizations parameters if it was passed in. Otherwise it is the return value of waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain().


if your signal takes a substantial amount of time to generate, or you experience buggy behaviour. It is preferable to provide the injection_polarizations directly.

inject_signal_from_waveform_generator(parameters, waveform_generator)[source]

Inject a signal using a waveform generator and a set of parameters. Alternative to inject_signal and inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations

parameters: dict

Parameters of the injection.


A WaveformGenerator instance using the source model to inject.

injection_polarizations: dict

The internally generated injection parameters


if your signal takes a substantial amount of time to generate, or you experience buggy behaviour. It is preferable to use the inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations() method.

inject_signal_from_waveform_polarizations(parameters, injection_polarizations)[source]

Inject a signal into the detector from a dict of waveform polarizations. Alternative to inject_signal and inject_signal_from_waveform_generator.

parameters: dict

Parameters of the injection.

injection_polarizations: dict

Polarizations of waveform to inject, output of waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain().

signal: array_like

Array containing the signal

float: The optimal signal to noise ratio possible squared
signal: array_like

Array containing the signal

float: The matched filter signal to noise ratio squared
signal: array_like

Array containing the signal

float: The optimal signal to noise ratio possible squared
plot_time_domain_data(outdir='.', label=None, bandpass_frequencies=(50, 250), notches=None, start_end=None, t0=None)[source]

Plots the strain data in the time domain

outdir, label: str

Used in setting the saved filename.

bandpass: tuple, optional

A tuple of the (low, high) frequencies to use when bandpassing the data, if None no bandpass is applied.

notches: list, optional

A list of frequencies specifying any lines to notch

start_end: tuple

A tuple of the (start, end) range of GPS times to plot

t0: float

If given, the reference time to subtract from the time series before plotting.

property power_spectral_density_array

Returns the power spectral density (PSD)

This accounts for whether the data in the interferometer has been windowed.

array_like: An array representation of the PSD
save_data(outdir, label=None)[source]

Creates save files for interferometer data in plain text format.

Saves two files: the frequency domain strain data with three columns [f, real part of h(f), imaginary part of h(f)], and the amplitude spectral density with two columns [f, ASD(f)].

Note that in v1.3.0 and below, the ASD was saved in a file called *_psd.dat.

outdir: str

The output directory in which the data is supposed to be saved

label: str

The name of the output files


Set average_psd attribute from the existing raw PSD.


N_average_segments (int, optional) – Number of segments used for PSD averaging (from both sides of the segment of interest). N_avg_segs should be even and >= 2.

set_psd_spectrogram(frequency_resolution, coarse_grain=False, overlap_factor=0.5, window_fftgram_dict={'window_fftgram': 'hann'}, overlap_factor_welch=0.5)[source]

Set psd_spectrogram attribute from given spectrum-related information.

  • frequency_resolution (float) – Frequency resolution of the final PSDs. This sets the time duration over which FFTs are calculated in the pwelch method.

  • coarse_grain (bool) – Coarse-graining flag. If True, PSD will be estimated via coarse-graining, as opposed to Welch-averaging. Default is False.

  • overlap_factor (float, optional) – Amount of overlap between adjacent segments (ranges between 0 and 1). This factor should be same as the one used for cross_spectral_density (default 0, no overlap).

  • window_fftgram_dict (dictionary, optional) – Dictionary containing name and parameters describing which window to use when producing fftgrams for psd estimation. Default is “hann”.

  • overlap_factor_welch (float, optional) – Overlap factor to use when using Welch’s method to estimate the PSD (NOT coarsegraining). For “hann” window use 0.5 overlap_factor and for “boxcar” window use 0 overlap_factor. Default is 0.5 (50% overlap), which is optimal when using Welch’s method with a “hann” window.

set_strain_data_from_channel_name(channel, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0)[source]

Set the Interferometer.strain_data by fetching from given channel using strain_data.set_from_channel_name()

channel: str

Channel to look for using gwpy in the format IFO:Channel

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a csv file

filename: str

The path to the file to read in

set_strain_data_from_frame_file(frame_file, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0, channel=None, buffer_time=1)[source]

Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a frame file

frame_file: str

File from which to load data.

channel: str

Channel to read from frame.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

buffer_time: float

Read in data with start_time-buffer_time and start_time+duration+buffer_time

set_strain_data_from_frequency_domain_strain(frequency_domain_strain, sampling_frequency=None, duration=None, start_time=0, frequency_array=None)[source]

Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a numpy array

frequency_domain_strain: array_like

The data to set.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz).

duration: float

The data duration (in s).

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data.

frequency_array: array_like

The array of frequencies, if sampling_frequency and duration not given.


Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a gwpy TimeSeries

time_series: gwpy.timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries

The data to set.

set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_density(sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0)[source]

Set the Interferometer.strain_data from a power spectal density

This uses the interferometer.power_spectral_density object to set the strain_data to a noise realization. See for further information.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0)[source]

Set the Interferometer.strain_data to zero noise

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

set_timeseries_from_channel_name(channel, **kwargs)[source]

Set a timeseries attribute from a given channel name.

  • channel (str) – Name of the channel (e.g.: “L1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN”) from which to load the data.

  • **kwargs (keyword arguments passed to preprocess module.) –

set_timeseries_from_gwpy_timeseries(gwpy_timeseries, **kwargs)[source]

Set a timeseries attribute from a given gwpy.timeseries object. More information on the gwpy.timeseries object can be found here.

  • gwpy_timeseries (gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries) – Timeseries strain data as gwpy.timeseries object.

  • **kwargs (keyword arguments passed to preprocess module.) –

set_timeseries_from_timeseries_array(timeseries_array, sample_rate, **kwargs)[source]

Set a timeseries attribute from a given numpy array.

  • timeseries_array (np.ndarray) – Timeseries strain data as numpy array object

  • sample_rate (int) – Sample rate of the timeseries in the array (in Hz)

  • **kwargs (keyword arguments passed to preprocess module.) –

time_delay_from_geocenter(ra, dec, time)[source]

Calculate the time delay from the geocenter for the interferometer.

Use the time delay function from utils.

ra: float

right ascension of source in radians

dec: float

declination of source in radians

time: float

GPS time

float: The time delay from geocenter in seconds
to_pickle(outdir='outdir', label=None)[source]

Save the object to a pickle file

New in version 1.1.0.

outdir: str, optional

Output directory name of the file, defaults to ‘outdir’.

label: str, optional

Output file name, is if not given otherwise.


Calculate the position of the IFO vertex in geocentric coordinates in meters.

Based on arXiv:gr-qc/0008066 Eqs. B11-B13 except for the typo in the definition of the local radius. See Section 2.1 of LIGO-T980044-10 for the correct expression

array_like: A 3D array representation of the vertex
property whitened_frequency_domain_strain

Calculates the whitened data by dividing the frequency domain data by ((amplitude spectral density) * (duration / 4) ** 0.5). The resulting data will have unit variance.

array_like: The whitened data