
The statistical_checks module performs various tests by plotting different quantities and saving these plots. This allows the user to check for consistency with expected results. Concretely, the following tests and plots can be generated: running point estimate, running sigma, (cumulative) point estimate integrand, real and imaginary part of point estimate integrand, FFT of the point estimate integrand, (cumulative) sensitivity, evolution of omega and sigma as a function of time, omega and sigma distribution, KS test, and a linear trend analysis of omega in time. Furthermore, part of these plots compares the values of these quantities before and after the delta sigma cut.

For additional information on how to run the statistical checks, and interpret them, we refer the user to the dedicatedplot_ tutorials and demos, as well as the pygwb paper.


run_statistical_checks_from_file(...[, ...])

Method to generate an instance of the statistical checks class from a set of files.



StatisticalChecks(sliding_times_all, ...[, ...])