
The util module combines miscellaneous functions used in several parts of the pygwb package. These functions mainly perform small computations, necessary at multiple stages of the analysis.



Compute the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test.

calc_bias(segmentDuration, deltaF, deltaT[, ...])

Calculate the bias factor introduced by Welch averaging.

calc_rho(N, j[, window_tuple, overlap_factor])

Calculate the normalised correlation of a window with itself shifted j times.

calc_rho1(N[, window_fftgram_dict, ...])

Calculate the combined window factor rho.

effective_welch_averages(nSamples, N[, ...])

Calculate the "effective" number of averages used in Welch's PSD estimate after taking into account windowing and overlap.


Unpack the window_fft_dict dictionary into a tuple that can be read by scipy.signal.get_window.

interpolate_frequency_series(fSeries, ...)

Interpolate a frequency series, given a new set of frequencies.

omega_to_power(omega_GWB, frequencies)

Compute the GW power spectrum starting from the \(\Omega\)GWB spectrum.


Parse the window dictionary properly for scipy compatibility.

window_factors(N[, window_fftgram_dict, ...])

Calculate window factors.