
pygwb.orfs.calc_orf(frequencies, det1_vertex, det2_vertex, det1_xarm, det2_xarm, det1_yarm, det2_yarm, polarization='tensor')[source]

Calculates the tensor, scalar, and vector overlap reduction functions, following Section IVb of See Appendix A of for a discussion of the normalization of the scalar ORF and for the vector ORF function.

  • frequencies (array_like) – Frequencies at which to evaluate the ORFs.

  • det1_vertex (array_like) – Coordinates (Earth-fixed cartesian, in meters) of the vertex of detector 1.

  • det2_vertex (array_like) – Coordinates (Earth-fixed cartesian, in meters) of the vertex of detector 2.

  • det1_xarm (array_like) – Unit vector (Earth-fixed cartesian) along the x arm of detector 1.

  • det2_xarm (array_like) – Unit vector (Earth-fixed cartesian) along the x arm of detector 2.

  • det1_yarm (array_like) – Unit vector (Earth-fixed cartesian) along the y arm of detector 1.

  • det2_yarm (array_like) – Unit vector (Earth-fixed cartesian) along the y arm of detector 2.

  • polarization (str, optional) – Polarization used in the computation of the overlap reduction function. Default is tesnor.

overlap_reduction_function: array_like

Overlap reduction function at given frequencies for specified polarization.