
pygwb.postprocessing.calculate_point_estimate_sigma_spectra(freqs, csd, avg_psd_1, avg_psd_2, orf, sample_rate, segment_duration, window_fftgram_dict={'window_fftgram': 'hann'}, overlap_factor=0.5, fref=25.0, alpha=0.0)[source]

Calculate the Omega point estimate and associated sigma integrand, given a set of cross-spectral and power-spectral density spectrograms. This is particularly useful for statistical checks.

If CSD is set to None, only returns variance.

  • freqs (array_like) – Frequencies associated to the spectrograms.

  • csd (gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram) – CSD spectrogram for detectors 1 and 2.

  • avg_psd_1 (gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram) – Spectrogram of averaged PSDs for detector 1.

  • avg_psd_2 (gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram) – Spectrogram of averaged PSDs for detector 2.

  • orf (array_like) – Overlap reduction function.

  • sample_rate (float) – Sampling rate of the data.

  • segment_duration (float) – Duration of each segment in seconds.

  • window_fftgram_dict (dictionary, optional) – Dictionary with window characteristics used in analysis segment estimation. Default is window_fftgram_dict={"window_fftgram": "hann"}.

  • overlap_factor (float, optional) – Overlap factor used in analysis segment estimation. Default is 0.5.

  • fref (float, optional) – Reference frequency to use in the weighting calculation. Final result refers to this frequency.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Spectral index to use in the weighting.