
pygwb.spectral.coarse_grain_spectrogram(spectrogram, delta_t=None, delta_f=None, time_method='naive', frequency_method='full')[source]

Coarsen a spectrogram in time and/or frequency, e.g., Welch averaging / coarse-graining.

The coarsening methods are either:
  • naive: this is equivalent to a Welch average

  • full: the full coarse-grain method

  • running_mean: computing the running mean of the array.

  • spectrogram (gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram) – Spectrogram object to be coarsened.

  • delta_t (float, optional.) – Output time spacing. Default is None.

  • delta_f (float, optional) – Output frequency spacing. Default is None.

  • time_method (str, optional) – Should be one of the coarsening methods listed above. Default is “naive”.

  • frequency_method (str, optional.) – Should be one of the coarsening methods listed above. Default is “full”.

output: gwpy.spectrogram.Spectrogram

The coarse-grained spectrogram.

See also


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