
pygwb.util.calc_bias(segmentDuration, deltaF, deltaT, N_avg_segs=2, window_fftgram_dict={'window_fftgram': 'hann'}, overlap_factor=0.5)[source]

Calculate the bias factor introduced by Welch averaging.

  • segmentDuration (float) – Duration in seconds of Welch-averaged segment.

  • deltaF (float) – Frequency resolution (in Hz) of Welch-averaged segment.

  • deltaT (float) – Time sampling of Welch-averaged segment (in seconds).

  • N_avg_segs (int, optional) – Number of segments over which the average is performed.

  • window_fftgram_dict (dictionary, optional) – Dictionary with window characteristics. Default is window_fftgram_dict={"window_fftgram": "hann"}.

  • overlap_factor (float, optional) – Defines the overlap between consecutive data chunks used in the calculation. Default is 0.5.

bias: float

The bias factor.