
pygwb.delta_sigma_cut.run_dsc(dsc: float, segment_duration: int, psd1_naive: ndarray, psd2_naive: ndarray, psd1_slide: ndarray, psd2_slide: ndarray, alphas: ndarray, sample_rate: int, orf: array, fref: int, frequency_mask: array = True, window_fftgram_dict: dict = {'window_fftgram': 'hann'}, overlap_factor: float = 0.5, N_average_segments_psd: int = 2, return_naive_and_averaged_sigmas: bool = False)[source]

Function that runs the delta sigma cut.

  • dsc (float) – Threshold used for the delta sigma cut.

  • segment_duration (int) – Duration of each segment.

  • psd1_naive (array_like) – An FFTgram of the PSD computed naively, as in in the particular bin J for detector 1 and 2.

  • psd2_naive (array_like) – An FFTgram of the PSD computed naively, as in in the particular bin J for detector 1 and 2.

  • psd1_slide (array_like) – An FFTgram of the PSD computed by considering the noise in adjacent bins to the bin J, i.e. J-1, J+1 for detectors 1 and 2.

  • psd2_slide (array_like) – An FFTgram of the PSD computed by considering the noise in adjacent bins to the bin J, i.e. J-1, J+1 for detectors 1 and 2.

  • alphas (array_like) – The spectral indices to use. The bad GPS times from all alphas are combined at the end of this code.

  • sample_rate (int) – Sampling rate (Hz)

  • notch_list_path (str) – Path to the file containing the frequency notches to apply.

  • orf (array_like) – The overlap reduction function as a function of frequency that quantifies the overlap of a detector baseline, which depends on the detector locations, relative orientations, etc.

  • fref (int) – Reference frequency (Hz).

  • window_fftgram_dict (dictionary, optional) – Dictionary with window characteristics used in the computation of the sigmas, given the PSD. Default is (window_fftgram_dict={“window_fftgram”: “hann”}.

  • frequency_mask (array_like, optional) – Frequency mask to apply when computing the sigmas. Default is True.

  • overlap_factor (float, optional) – Overlap factor to use when computing the sigmas, given the PSD. Default is 0.5.

  • N_average_segments_psd (int, optional) – Number of segments to use during Welch averaging. Used in the computation of the bias factors. Default is 2.

  • return_naive_and_averaged_sigmas (bool, optional) – Option to return the naive and sliding sigmas. Default is False.

BadGPStimes: array_like

Array containing the bad GPS times to not be considered, based on the chosen value of the delta sigma cut.

dsigmas_dict: array_like

Array containing the values of the difference between sliding sigma and naive sigma, i.e., the actual value of the delta sigma per segment.